Welcome everyone! Well here it is the long awaited website. I won’t lie to you, it’s not been easy. I only wish my understanding of all things technical was as good as my understanding of wire. However, the arduous journey has been worth it and we’re finally here. Thankfully I had the help and patience of my middle son Harrison who has been my rock and without him this would not have been possible. He’s had to learn all about building websites from scratch because I just didn’t have the time (or the wits) to do it myself.
We were also very lucky to have had lots of help from my wonderful friend Julia who is also a fellow jewellery making addict, not to mention a computer genius. There have been several occasions when Julia had to talk us through all the techno babble after being bombarded by my panic attack Face Book messages pleading for her help. Luckily for us she has the rare ability of putting things in perspective and in clear terms that we could understand. Julia has also been very kind to have personally vetted my tutorials and let me know what needed to be tweaked before they were put on the website. Thank you Julia, you are a superstar!
There are only a couple of tutorials available at the moment but I will be adding more soon. They have already been designed and we now have to do the step by step photos etc………………….yep, you’ve guessed it, Harrison to the rescue again to do the photography because I’m clueless with cameras as well lol. Yet another skill that he’s had to learn from scratch. This brings me to the point where I give a mention to my Face Book friends that gave us advice regarding the photography. You know who you are and I’m very grateful to you all, thank you very much.
It is my sincere wish that you find these tutorials enjoyable and that they help you through your own journey of learning this wonderful craft. Love and hugs, Karon x