Hi Everyone! It’s a bit late coming but Happy 2017! Here’s hoping it’s going to be good one for all of us.
Wasn’t last year mad? We very sadly lost so many well loved actors, musicians, writers etc. David Bowie’s passing hurt especially, he was a such a big part of my teenage years. Here’s hoping there’s no more for a very long time.
Anyway, it’s been way too long since my last post but as often happens, life did get in the way. My mum was taken ill again which resulted in me leaving Jewellery Maker after 4 very enjoyable years. It does however give me the chance to spend more time with my mum and (hopefully) the chance to spend more time working on my website this year. They say that life decisions like this happen for a reason and oh my word, never was there a truer word spoken as just weeks after leaving Jewellery Maker, my husband had a mini stroke. Yes, it was indeed a mad, mad year. It was a scary moment for us all but it could have been a lot worse and the OH is now fully recovered and making some much needed lifestyle changes. Yes, this will require me spending more time in the kitchen making home cooked healthy meals but hey, that’s what family is all about lol.
So what’s new? Well since I last posted I’ve managed to add 3 new tutorials to the website. The Angel Wing pendant, The very blingy Tie Necklace and I’m very please to announce that I have just added the Snowflake Necklace. I hope you find them useful to your creative journey and that you get as much pleasure from learning from them as I did creating them. Happy jewellery making folks! Much love and big hugs, Karon xxxxx